What is SMS Marketing? Pros and Cons

SMS is short for short message service, and it’s the technical term for text messaging via mobile networks.

What is SMS marketing then? It’s simply marketing that is done through text messaging.

It shares many similarities with email marketing (as we’ve discussed before):

  • both are permission-based marketing channels
  • marketing emails/text messages are delivered directly to subscribers
  • can be used for both transactional and promotional messages
  • both emails and text messages can be broadcasted or automated

Although they have a lot in common, SMS marketing is often misunderstood and marketers mistakenly treat SMS like another email channel.

Benefits of SMS Marketing

Because our mobile phones keep us online, consumers have a shorter attention span than ever.

Even when we’re not checking our phones we’re still receiving emails, app notifications, snaps, group chat messages, and more.

The beauty of SMS marketing is that it is the most direct form of messaging available today.

In fact, SMS averages an open rate of 98%, compared to emails at 22%.

That’s why SMS is perfect for delivering short and sweet messages, such as:

  • order confirmation and shipping updates
  • quick promotional messages
  • appointment reminders

The Downside of SMS Marketing

Although the entire digital marketing landscape has become more regulated with data privacy laws, our personal experience has found SMS to be the strictest marketing channel.

For example, there’s a long list of content that is prohibited from SMS marketing, such as:

  • sexually explicit or suggestive messaging
  • gambling and lottery tickets
  • profanity
  • high-risk financial services like student loans

… among others.

In addition, advertisers are restricted from sending promotional text messages during quiet hours — from 8PM to 8AM local time.

Finally, we have character limitations; a single SMS message can only have up to 160 characters without emojis, and 70 characters when using emojis!

Earlier we mentioned that SMS is short and sweet, but this means you’ll have a lot less room to write sales copy if you want your message to fit in one text message.

This is even more challenging when you consider that your brand name, URL and opt-out messaging, which are all required, also uses up your character limit.

You always have the option of sending multiple text messages per broadcast, but these costs will add up quickly if you have a large list.

Summary Notes

  • SMS marketing is just marketing through text messaging
  • it has many similarities to email marketing, but more direct
  • perfect for short and sweet messages, like order confirmations, cart recovery, and appointment reminders
  • has many requirements such as content regulations, quiet hours, and character limits

Overall, SMS marketing can be an effective part of your customer retention strategy, but it also takes time to:

  • build and nurture your SMS list
  • curate monthly SMS campaigns
  • strategize and build SMS automations

With our white label marketing services, we can handle all of the technical work so that you can focus on building client relationships.

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